
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Being a mommy

This is absolutely the best gift I have ever been given, sometimes I may feel I don't always do everything right, and wonder what i can do different as I'm sure you all will see. But I'm trying and I do my best. I coupon to try and save money to give her more (note LOVE COUPONING, FREE STUFF IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!) I do special stuff with her all the time, I was amazed at just some little things that mean so much to kids, movie night, game night just sitting and playing with them means more than anything. I want my daughter to remember me as always being the involved parent. Always being there I never want to miss anything. I am one of those silly moms who always like my daughters hair to be fixed and for her to be dressed o so cute. Yea its crazy but that's me lol, anyways This is like my first time blogging so bear with me and it should get better lol.

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